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Karina Love

"I have two personas that embody two extreme parts of my personality. Lana is my femmequeen and ultra feminine drag side, and Ike is my sleazy, macho but extremely gay as fuck drag king side."

Get to know Karina Love

How long have you been a performer?

I performed for about a year before taking a 4 year brake. I have recently performed for about a month.

How would you describe your
on-stage persona and style?

As a performer I am fun, upbeat, and energetic. Drag makes me incredibly happy and I love to see the audience react the same. Their smiles give me life!

Why do you want to compete on The Queer Off?

I want to compete on The Queer Off because I want to push myself as a drag artist and I want to push my creativity. I want to prove not only to myself but to our local drag community and the people that I love the dedication I have for drag.

What is your Biggest pet peeve?

When people tell me how to feel or what to believe

Do you have a Favorite local performer?

Mulan, Kiana Lee, and Kylee Fatale

What is your favorite music to perform to?

Fun, happy go lucky, girl music

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